Monday, September 23, 2024

Fall Season Starts: More Merch Ahead

 Fall begins and so does the pre-holiday merchandise flood, apparently.
There's more Sonic than ever before and the site continues to...not keep up with it because it seems like for every item that goes on there 10 more of them show up somewhere else. Even with multiple items over 9 categories this time, it's still not good enough. Hoping for maybe some kind of mid-week update or something to heap on more clothing.

Fall is the season for back to school:
So, there'll be back to backpacks, lunch boxes and probably winter wear incoming. Of course, October will bring the much anticipated Sonic Shadow Generations game, which will be cause for much more merch most likely. Have you noticed the secret (but easily missed) not really an Easter Egg that's been going on with the updates? Every single one has Shadow in it somewhere, and this will continue through the whole Year of Shadow, at least 1 thing per update (but probably more) will have him every time to help celebrate the year. 

Item of the Week:
Sonic suitcase. When utilities like this appear and are also pretty well done it's always cause for celebration and to point it out. A fun rolling carry on from Bio World--hopefully at less than 80 dollars for it. Hopefully someone finds this at a physical store to chime in for the entry--lots of people will want this as its excellent storage in the home as well as while travelling. Fill it with your Sonic shirts collection! 

Why wasn't the item of the week the crystal cubes? Aren't those cooler than luggage?
Yes, they are cooler than it, but you also know that almost nobody is going to be able to get these. They're prohibitively expensive, even in Japan and they're (of course) not making many of them, so it's another of those semi-bothersome 'oh you can look at it but you'll never own it so go get frustrated' type of things that I am currently ambivalent about. 

Upcoming Annoyance:
Gotta be that Neo Metal. You can sit and watch Mephiles on Amazon just crank his price higher and higher as the time goes by. As of this Sept. 23rd blog post he's up around 48 dollars already. How high will he go? Neo Metal will likely go higher because Sonic 06 was such a...not the greatest/and the only game that had Mephiles in it so. Hopefully Jakks sees some sense and re releases these guys because everyone is clearly clamoring, scalpers are scalping at top speed and nobody's happy. 

Speaking of scalpers...
"at least I dont want chibi stuff" directed at Monogram Inc. and their irritating bag clips. Really, asking people to spend 8 or 9 dollars for something they don't even WANT? I do not understand and never will not allowing people to buy things they desire and tricking them with rubbish packaging. It's pure greed. If you're afraid something won't do well? How about you.......don't make it then! NOVEL! "Oh but you're supposed to trade them when you get duplicates". Nobody's trading their 10 dollar stuff! If it was 5 or less maybe but it's still a bucket of frustration.
And into that bucket also goes those weird Australian mining kits. Make a mess on the table and then get a repeat figure, whee. 

Next update:
Probably a clothing cleanup where tons of stuff appears over 1 or 2 categories only to try and clear out an image bin between the updates so they can handle more stuff. The point of this place is supposed to be that it alerts you and the fans when things are actually out to buy...not ages afterward because everything was too slow.