Monday, April 19, 2010

3.5 Inch Jazwares Metal Sonic

This is more of a warning than a regular blog post.
It's also relevent WHEN you read it, vs when it appears. (April 19, 2010) So use the date and judge the info that way.

The early (read, released mid april) release of the Metal Sonic / Comic 2-pak figures are terrible. Reports are pouring in that the Metal Sonic figure of the pack is full of problems. The Sonic that's in there though, is just fine. The comic is also bound to be in good shape.

The bottom line fast:
IF you plan to DE BOX do NOT buy these figures right away. If you're an MIB Collector, just go for it. It's not going to make any difference to you, the packing is secure, quality and looks good on the shelf. The figures are easily visible, you'll be happy. But if you want to use the figure SKIP IT! And wait till later, when they fix it.

What's the problem?
The figure is very nice looking, but it's riddled with flaws. In every case I've heard, including my own, the head simply drops off when you remove from the package. There are also problems where he splits at the waist. These aren't particularly fix-able either there seems to be some kind of smooth rod in there that doesn't do anything. Also frozen joints (stuck that way via paint or something else) lead to people breaking the figure left and right, when trying to pose him. The wrists (which SHOULD spin) tend to snap rather than spin.

Why is this such bad news?
Because if you want another one, you have to spend $12.99 to get it. Because he's part of the 2pack, you're being forced to buy another Sonic & comic book, when all you want is a fixed figure. It's not like the 5 buck figures where you could just grab another one on a whim. That is NOT cool for de-box collectors.

Also, everything has that 'safety tested' sticker. Safety tested? By who, great white sharks? If picking up your figure causes it to splinter into a billion little bits like this one does, how is that safe? Not that I think ANY item short of chemicals could be unsafe, really if anyone is so dumb as to try to eat plastic, well they get what's coming to them, and I don't care if it's a lego or Barbie's shoe, or a piece of a figure that they dropped, safety is in the hand of the holder! However, having Metal's arm put the brakes on your vac is no good either.

What is the solution?
WAIT. History has shown that JW DOES fix their figures on subsequent releases. Let the MIB collectors buy up all these EZ-Break Oven figures and then try to pick him up later. Even current figures like Sonic have been improved, you'll notice that he comes with a base now! So chances are they're going to fix this guy. But don't waste any money now!

Best Case Scenario:
They release him again, in a solo pack for 4.99. This will let unfortunate folks who got an achy breakey one re-buy with minimal money. It will build confidence because it'll show they can make him right. It will help collectors in general because it's not like ANYthing MS won't sell like hotcakes.
