Article Item is Incoming- SatAm Beware
Now that the amount of stuff is relatively back to normal...
The site can be perhaps spruced up a bit. In this case, it's adding something that has been pending for a long time which is a whole ton of prototype SatAm Sonic animated show information and art. A 'rabbit hole' basically opened up one week doing research for...I think it was some advert card or something and I gathered it all but never had time to post it. It's REAL interesting stuff and you can really solve some mysteries with it about why the show was the way it was. As a fun preview of it, these are some of the solved things
Why is Sally better than Sonic in the show?
Where did 'cowboy Tails' come from?
Did Sega give the show makers any material to work with? (you already know this answer: NO)
Who appeared at the end of the cliffhanger of the 2nd season?
Some things that won't solve:
WHY didn't Sega give them anything?
What was the point of sabotaging their own show like that/nobody knows.
Who was the cowboy campaigner why were they obsessed with cowboys?
Anyway it was a ton of work and a ton of fun to research so it took quite a while. The update containing it will appear in the MIDDLE of the week as a special surprise update because it doesn't fit with anything else. So, only anyone who reads this blog will know it is coming before it arrives.
Item of the week:
Probably the Tails wiimote holder/hopefully it looks better in person and comes to the USA also.
The update was actually fairly accidentally 'uk oriented' , because it didn't plan that way, just the submitted stuff ended up all being it & then I tossed on the egg mug to wind it up even though sorta nobody knows where that thing is from.
Anti Item of the week:
It's not this week either! So it's really anti! It's got to be that sad stretchy Sonic. Gee whiz it was something like 13 pound to buy it what is that like 20 dollars or something? And then the paint just wrecks off and it oozes goo? Bonkers. They should be forced to take those back and let it out again this time with better paint. It's not like it's new technology either, stretch armstrong and his whatever-pals have exist for forever and you never see them without paint.
Design oddity--That 'thick limbs' Sonic that is stretchy oddly you'd think it would look horrible because "Big Body" is always awful on any of the characters but it somehow kind of doesn't? It's like him having blue arms is somehow also very reasonable, while him having 2 eyes is very bad. It's very strange what one can alter about him and it still be "well hmm...yea that's fine", and what you can't. I would've suspected that was a 'can't'...but then? Sorta normal. Very interesting.
Next week:
Probably some new stuff (as several were vintage this time) a very rare item, and not sure what else but it ought to only be a slightly larger than normal update.