Monday, January 15, 2007

Sonic Gear News Letter

Sonic Gear finally has a real news letter!
This is something I've been wanting to do for a while, as it should be really useful to any subscribers.

It'll cover sale price items like
"Sears is having 40% off T-shirts!"

Secretive Sold items like
"Call this phone # to get a resin statue of Sonic!"

New items like:
"SatAm disks to be released soon, this store has the best price so order now!"

The letter should be helpful because it can be updated and released at ANY time, rather then just once a week like the site. It'll also allow for plenty of space to describe instructions if something's complicated, or say why or why not to get stuff as it's released.

The news letter isn't in its 'ultimate format' because the web package that hosts SonicGear does not offer news letter services at the current price. If a ton of people subscribe to it, it will likely be switched to a professional mailing program. This does NOT mean the quality is low now, it just means that the letter has no colorful header or look of 'stationary' at the top. It also means it's manually done. This will ensure no snags or glitches, because it can't have 'technical difficulties'. Want to sign up?