Sonic Movie 1: The Gear Review Preface
If movies (well on dvd at least) count as items, what took the SonicGear review so long for Sonic Movie 1?
The easy answer is I hated it and resisted watching it at all up until this point.
But, finally netflixed the thing's kinda as bad as I had anticipated. However, in order to do it, I pretended it was "Baby Gremlin vs. Evil Jim Carrey" and then, if you don't view it as Sonic, it's a....very bog standard 80s like movie that is serviceable enough. How this thing managed to appear after 2010 when it belonged in the 1980s, that I do not know, however because it exists it gets looked at. Skip to "review area" in the next post to get right to it the preface:
First off: Was it better than the first Sonic movie that the ancient plot leaked for in the 90s? Yes. (That's on SonicGear, as it is very obscure, if you're curious about what it was) But watching somebody else play the games poorly would have been better than that, so-low bar.
Set up:
The setup for the movie's release was pretty darn good. It was the literal last movie out before the pandemic really hit the world. There weren't any other kids' movies out at the time either, so competition was low. They were able to throw it on streaming and clean up more cash that way too, so it wasn't a persecuted release in any way. The studio was pretty happy with it.
It made 319 million dollars.
Mario 1 made 1.34 BILLION dollars.
Numbers don't lie. I guess "setting the movie in the characters' world" really would have been such a big mistake...................hmmm. Lesson...not learned. Clearly nobody wanted to see Mario in Mario World. Oh the poor thing.../s
To start with, it has "mark of the grownups" all over it who, when getting some "babies franchise" always put in stupid things that they think little kids want to see instead of focusing on making a good movie that appeals to anyone. They also love to repeat tropes because they're easy shortcuts so that they can slack off. They clearly had no grasp on what Sonic is supposed to be about and had no idea or didn't even read a single word about who the character is. They looked at a picture and said "Funny blue animal" and left it at that. Nothing deeper. And gee, it sure is a shame that in the Sonic franchise there are only 2 characters: Sonic & Eggman and there are literally no other characters than that to work with. Such a shame......hmmmmmm.
Everyone's idea of Sonic is a little different. As many fans of him that there are, there are as many different perceptions of him. This is natural and normal for someone really popular like that. The fandom is really finding that out with Sonic Prime, as he's characterized differently there than he is the games, the movie, Sonic X, and etc. Each 'version' of him where he appears is slightly different too, and that also feeds into the wide variety of different headcannons everybody has for him.
Person A really likes the 'cool but attitude' aspect and there he's a more fiery personality
Person B really likes the 'friend of nature and helping animals' aspect, and there he's more level-headed
However, the movie makers didn't have anyone's (any fan, developer or etc) idea of what Sonic was other than "funny blue animal get money". That was obvious rrrright away with the hideous demon-thing that the entire planet wailed on so hard the producers spent squillions of dollars changing the CG to get rid of it. (NO the 'conspiracy' wasn't that they made him awful on purpose to garner free media attention--that was proven false by the toys=toys are made many months in advance because production takes huge amounts of time, and striking molds takes large amounts of money, and demon toys had to be scrapped after thousands were made/molds were struck etc. somebody was out WAY more money with this than 'possible free media attention' would EVER have made up for. The bad design was never 'on purpose for attention')
So with that, right away, you KNOW that they had no idea who Sonic is, no idea what he was about, and they weren't going to respect ANYthing with regards to him if they thought demon was ok. THAT is why I refused to see it or support it for so long. You could know that the respect wasn't there. That they changed the look of him in the end after backlash doesn't matter (to their idea) because the plot and characterization was already in place and was never changed.
This was also obvious because they weren't telling a Sonic story in his world, they were telling a Human story on Earth because they didn't know what to do with him due to all their lack of care or attention. The going-in theory was that "Sonic is not popular enough to have a real theatrical movie about him, nobody would go to see that, we need humans to get people to go see it, after all, Transformers movies barely have transformers in them, most of it is about the human drama, and those are great!" To bring in adults AND their kids, we need plenty of humans and Earth setting with a funny animal.
End of the preface- Next post will be the actual review now that this is out of the way / the groundwork for understanding how/why the movie goes etc.
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